
Tech Thursday: Five Exciting Features Coming Soon to Windows 11

April 25, 2024
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Hello, tech enthusiasts! This Tech Thursday, let’s take a sneak peek into the upcoming teatures that will elevate your Windows 11 experience to the next level. Here are five cool additions you can expect in the near future:

Use Your Phone as a Webcam:

Say goodbye to expensive webcams! Windows 11 will soon allow you to harness the power of your Android smartphone’s camera wirelessly for video calling on your PC. With advanced features like HDR effects and more, this update will transform how you
communicate seamlessly.

Enhanced Co-Pilot Integration

Microsoft’s Al assistant, Copilot, is getting smarter. Now you can ask Copilot to perform various tasks like scanning for Wi-Fi networks, displaying device information, adjusting battery settings, taking screenshots, and more. This intuitive integration will simplify Windows navigation, especially for newer users.

Built-In QR Code Generator:

Sharing links between your PC and phone will be effortless with the upcoming QR code generator feature. No more emailing links or waiting for syncs- simply generate a QR code and scan it on your mobile device. It’s the little conveniences that make a big difference!

Energy Saver Expansion:

Windows 11 is expanding energy-saving capabilities beyond laptops to desktops. This feature will optimize performance based on battery life or power source, reducing energy consumption efficiently. Keep an eye on the new leaf icon in the notification area for energy-
saving updates.

More Lock Screen Widgets:

Customize your lock screen with informative widgets! Beyond the weather widget, Windows 11 will introduce widgets for stocks, traffic updates, sports scores, and more. Enjoy staying informed at a glance, or keep it sleek and simple-it’s your choice.

Join us this Thursday for a deeper dive into these exciting features coming soon to Windows 11. Get
ready to elevate your Windows experience!

Thanks so much

– Your ABI Tech Team